Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

What If You're waiting

"God, I am here and waiting. Turn the pages as you will. And with all I am, all I have, I will go with you."


Risk is Right

The Rest of Your Story 29: What risks are you taking?

Eggs by D Sharon Pruitt (flickr) The hard part about understanding who we are and where God wants us to go in our stories is this...

We might actually have to do something about it.


I'm a writer and believe me, I'd rather click-clack away on my keyboard about jumping out of an airplane than actually go sky-diving. Yes, ma'am.

God has done serious work on my heart about this the last few years. For a long time I thought risk was a four-letter word (okay, it is--you know what I mean).

I have a sweetheart of a Daddy who tells me to be careful quite often. And I always figured that God said the same.

But then He started throwing out all kinds of craziness like, "Be courageous. Take a leap of faith. Get out of your comfort zone. Be bold with your story."

Say what?!?

Then I read the book, Don't Waste Your Life, by John Piper. The title of one chapter is "Risk is Right." He explains that risk for and with God can seem like sky-diving but really it's the safest thing we can do. The best place to be is always the center of God's will...even if it's hard or scary.

I imagine the last few weeks God has impressed some things on your heart and you think, "I could never...." I know that's been the case for me. Perhaps it's time to switch that around to, "He can always..."

He can always give us the strength we need. Philippians 4:13

He can always make a way where there seems to be none. Proverbs 3:5-6

He can always see us through to victory. Roman 8:37

He can always be enough even when we feel as if we're not. II Peter 1:3

And as we near the end of this series...

He can always carry on to completion the good work He has begun in us (aka write our story with His love all the way to The End). Philippians 1:6

Now where's that plane? Our hearts just may be ready to do a little sky-diving...


TODAY'S QUESTION: What have you been taught about risk?


The Biggest Small We Can Be

The Biggest Small We Can Be

I go to a place where trees reach for the sky and writers do too.

We arrive carrying words in our minds, dreams in our hearts, hopes we've whispered silently to the ceiling in the night.

It doesn't matter that I'm on faculty, or have a book published, or anything else.

Here I am a child again asking the playground questions, "Does anyone want me? Do I fit in?"

I look at the trees again and I wonder, "How did they get so tall?"

And I realize...

Not by striving but by being.

Not in a day but through years of growth so small it can't be seen.

We sometimes talk of platforms in this world--building them, being on them, maintaining them. What if we (especially me) were more like the trees?

And the most powerful tree of all formed a cross so that...

But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself. John 12:32

No platforms. Only crosses.

It's an entirely different sort of dreaming.

Another type of trust.

Not of becoming more but less so that we can make much of the One we love.

So here in this place where trees try to reach the sky and writers do too...I choose instead to bow, to kneel at the foot of the cross. To worship rather than work, serve rather then strive.

It's a choice I'll have to make again. Every day. Because my heart is prone to wander, my self-sufficiency quick to grow. But this is the only way.

Not trying to touch the sky but insisting on touching His heart.

I shift my gaze from the trees and look at the path before me.

And I breathe deeply of grace...clear as the mountain air.

HOPE is a seed God plants in our hearts

to remind us there are better days ahead.

from: dayspring.com

Impossible is one of God's favorite words

We all have moments when we stare at the ceiling in the night or find some unexpected quiet in the car and wonder…

Who am I, really?

What’s my purpose in life?

How can my God-sized dream come true?

Then life gets busy again and we forget to chase the answers. And yet each one of those questions can actually be an invitation from God to go on an adventure with Him.

Are you ready to take the next step?

If so, here are some ways we can partner...

Knowing Who You Are & Your Purpose
I love coming alongside women as a life coach to help them clearly identify their God-given strengths and skills as well as what they’re uniquely called to do in life. Yep, you really can know and it’s never too late to find out.

Pursuing Your God-sized Dreams

Maybe you want to write a book, help a certain group of people, or even just go to the next level in an area of your life. We all have dreams placed in our hearts by God and I’ll be your biggest encourager as you pursue yours {even that one you’re too scared to tell anyone about—yet}.

More Details

I'd love to sit across the table from you and hear your heart over coffee. Since we live in a great big world, life coaching takes place in the next best way—via phone or online through Skype.

We'll talk weekly for 30 minutes {usually six to twelve times} and e-mail in between. And before we decide to partner with each other, we'll have a free call so you can ask questions, get to know me a bit more, and share your hopes as well as goals.

A little note: Life coaching is about about growth and the future and it's not a substitute for counseling, which is about healing past hurts.

The world only gets one wonderful YOU.

You have a purpose.

God has a plan.

Your best is yet to be!

thanks to:

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

From Glory to Glory

Thanks God for loving, supporting, guiding and teaching me
Thanks God for blessing my life and my family until this day
I don't have a question or a reason to ask YOU,
Why do You love me too much??
Even You know that I still hurt You with my words and my actions
Thanks, You always heart me, You know that all my needed
Never see my sins, my back bad acts...
You know, it's not about religion but
about relationship between you and Him
Him, He created you, only one, unique and wonderful...
Now, let me come into Your Dwell
Praise and worship YOU not only by my mouth
and also by my heart, my soul,and my thought...
Keep speak YOUR WORDS and Your Truth in everywhere and everyplace
Preach Your Gospel to all people in this earth
'cause I know what is the purpose of my life...
Yes, to make YOUR Name is lifted up in the Highest Throne..
All people, they know Your name, worship YOU, grow in 'good soil'
Blessed theirs life, works, study, healthy, and many aspects.

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Bukan sekedar teman tapi Sahabat

Teman *sekedar kenal-kenal doang, tau namanya, tau nope,
tau rumahnya dimana, dan bla-bla....
Yah cukup sekedar tau doangggggg dikit dan gak banyak..
dapat dibilang teman jauhhh lah, jauh dari harapan tuk dekat
Kalo didaftarkan dari list, ditimbang, kira-kira gak sampe
10 deh 10 kg maksudnya..hah * emang daging
gw punya banyak teman, dari teman gak kenal sampe
teman yang kenal banget. Gak cuman di seputar
negeriku Indonesia, dari Sabang sampe Merauke..
Tapi dari Afrika, Eropa, Amerika, Asia, hanya dari Australia yang belum punya.
Daripada banyak musuh mending banyak teman lah...bener kan teman?? *Tosss dulu

Teman dekat *tau nya dah mulai banyak sampe kenal ortunya,
saudara2nya, om/tante truss kakek/neneknya...tetangganya kalo perlu
kenal juga.secara pengenalan seh dekat tapi secara 'hati' belum 'click'
maksudnya not share heart to heart alias cerita dari hati ke hati,
kalo ngobrol lepas alias nyaman, sehati, senasib, sepenanggungan pula,
suka ceng-cengin, kadang menyebalkan tapi happy...
Oh no no, gaya bahasa tingkat tinggi neh
gak sia-sia selama ini belajar di dunia kesusastra-an hohoho
Gw memang pantas dinobatkan sebagai putri Pujangga masa kini
Lanjut yah, kalo teman dekat masih punyaaaaa dong
cuman emang gak gampang tuk sampai di tingkat ini karna
ada kepercayaan yang mulai terjalin, tapi bisa dibedakan kok
mana teman sekedar teman biasa atau teman dekat...
searching dan mulai nyadar ternyata.....

Sahabat *survei seh menyatakan kalo sahabat itu ada dalam suka dan duka,
kalo bercanda bener2 enjoy, kalo berantem juga gak akan lama ntar2 balikan juga
no one can separete our heart lah ceritaaanyaaaaa, kenyataanya juga
makanya sahabat itu gak akan pernah lekang oleh waktu, masa, atau zaman sekalipun
Sahabat itu kekal, nyarinya juga gak gampang, menjalani persahabatan
juga gak semudah yang anda bayangkan. Apalagi mepertahankannya...
Amsal 17:17 "Seorang sahabat menaruh kasih setiap waktu,
dan menjadi saudara dalam kesukaran"

begitu indahnya persahabatan ini...

Sahabat itu teruji oleh waktu...
gw senang banget sama kata2 ini
Tidak hanya sahabat saja
segala sesuatu dalam hidup ini teruji oleh waktu
Biarlah waktu yang akan membuktikannya

He answered

Dia menjawabku...ohhhh thanks God
Wonderful, amazing, c'est magnifique
Gw tau hari itu akan tiba juga
Penantian panjang dengan penuh perjuangan
menghabiskan siang dan malam*ahhh lebay neh
Sungguh mengucap syukur buat keputusan hari ini
Time was running out, so
Show must go on
Apapun yang terjadi, gw memang harus menyelesaikannya
"Bukan seolah-olah aku telah memperoleh hal ini atau
telah sempurna,melainkan aku mengejarnya,
kalau-kalau aku dapat juga menangkapnya karena
aku pun telah ditangkap oleh Kristus Yesus" Filipi 3:12

yoh 14: 13-14 "dan apa juga yang kamu minta dalam nama-Ku,
Aku akan melakukannya, supaya Bapa dipermuliakan
di dalam Anak. Jika kamu meminta dalam namaKu,
Aku akan melakukannya"

Tuhan tau apa yang aku perlukan, tepatnya bukan sekedar
aku menginginkannya.Tuhan tepati janjiNYa, walau waktuNYa
tidak sama dengan waktuku
aku menantikannya, sekali lagi belajar menantikannya...

-Thanks God, my Beloved-